
Spring is here! That means it’s time for yummilicious ice cream treats

That means it’s time for yummilicious ice cream treats

The cold days have been here for a while. The wonderfilled warm and fuzzies have kept us cosy, but guess what’s around the corner? Spring! You know what that means, right? It’s time for ice cream! Make your way to the #1 Sweet Spot for the sweetest NiceCream treats. Whatever your plans are, we’ve got something that will make every occasion a Fun-Tastic celebration.

Keeping cool is so much


with an Ice cream in hand

You better get used to doing things with one hand. Because the other one will soon be reserved for one thing and one thing only: yummilicious NiceCream. You might also want to polish up on your “I have to get a treat” excuses too. Actually, you don’t have to worry about that one; everyone knows that you don’t need an excuse to get ice cream.

Ice cream cone dipped in chocolate with peppermint sprinkles

Don’t do spring without yummilicious ice cream treats

Going on a picnic? How are you going to do that without a NiceCream treat? Running errands? You’re definitely going to need an ice cream treat to make it all worth it. Oh, what’s that? You’re going on a walk with your friend? The laughs simply won’t be as loud without a treat in hand. All we’re saying is that you shouldn’t do anything this spring without popping into a Milky Lane.

The best way to put a smile on your little one’s face? ice cream!

Don’t wait for them to scream, they’ve been on their best behaviour, and they deserve a treat. Coming back from school with a gold star is no child’s play. Getting all those chores done without complaining? That’s not an easy feat either. These are small wins that need to be celebrated with Fun-Tastic NiceCream treats. You know what that means, right? Chooo Chooo, all aboard the Part-Yay train. Next stop, the Celebration Station.

The best way to get out of the winter hibernation?
Ice Cream !

Those cold and gloomy days are finally a thing of the past. That means we can all come out and enjoy Fun-Tastic sunny days. But first, you’ll need to shake off that winter gloom with a treat that will make you FeelGood. Wondering where to get that? Hmm, how about a magical place that always brings you sweet and wonderfilled smiles? Yep, that’s right, the only place to welcome in spring is Milky Lane. Come on over; we’ve got your favourite treat ready and waiting.

Enjoying a feelgood spring is always easier with sweet treats. Whether you’re spoiling yourself or having a Fun-Tastic time with your favourite people, don’t you dare do it without a NiceCream treat from Milky Lane!